Nonprofit YouTube community generated Lifeinaday-Film Festival - An annotated video imprint of a single day on Planet Earth and feelings of human beings. Contribute your youtube-playlist-based film now, make sure playscreen is included as a paragraph or two (150-500 words), and contains major keywords of your virtual motion picture production. Make your message bold!
Read this first!
The fact: As of September 11, 2010, we have at 318 youtube videos presented as 48 films by 47 directors/producers, ordinary youtubers. As total number of videos submitted to Life in a Day is 80,000, our present count of 318 is just great!
Question: Why not to make your Life in Day footage a complete documentary film at Learn how.
Note: adds value to an official project' Life in a Day Gallery interface and the way of video data presentation at youtube, read more
Also note: In case you have several videos of 7/24 please set a playlist, so, all videos play one-by-one as a complete film. To create playlist click on New Playlist Buttom to the left of My Videos screen while at YouTube. Learn why shooting script is important and screen the submission form
Don't miss the list of emotions of published films and additional read me first items (at the bottom of this page)
Youtube user: Ontilnow Age: 23, Spanish Spain, Terrassa Film language: Spanish & Catalan Film URL at Youtube
My video coincides with a date with a pretty girl who i meet since a few days back... We have dinner and finish in my house... She is a very special girl.
But there is a problem... She is going to be studied to another country... I will miss her...
Major feelings: Love, Friendship, Family Santi Molina Nieto of Terrassa, Spain Submitted: 9/6/2010 03:25:35 Jerusalem time (submission #56)
Youtube user: SaskiaLynge Age: 32, Mixed (Jewish, Cherokee and Danish) United States of America, USA, Fayetteville, North Carolina Film language: English Film URL at Youtube
Life can change in seconds, hours, or on a single day. My life changed again on July 24th, 2010, which just happened to be the day of the "Life in a Day" film project. I found out about the project early that morning, almost last minute in my mind. I live in NYC, but was in North Carolina visiting my ex boyfriend, who I truly thought wanted to build a real friendship after two years of not speaking to each other. There are just some people you don't want to lose out of your life, and he was one of those people. But you can't hold on to someone who isn't holding on to you. It was heartbreaking to realize that for whatever reason, he couldn't - or wouldn't - act as a real friend, and in that realization I knew that I could no longer let him be in my life. Knowing that I would have to say goodbye to him once again, was heartbreaking, even though I knew it was for the best. And that realization only added fuel to the fire of my deepest fear of being insignificant, irrelevant, and ultimately unloved. Yet despite the sadness of that day, and the days after it, and despite that fear I'll always have to stare down, I do find joy and laughter in the smallest things, especially in the innocence of children, who still believe that the world is a magical place.
Major feelings: Thinking, Talking, Crying, Sadness, Laughter Saskia Lynge of New York Submitted: 9/3/2010 22:45:52 Jerusalem time (submission #54)
This is Official short video by Lifeinaday channel at youtube Title:Joe Walker of Official Life in a Day tells how Kevin MacDonald team works hard on editing and creating Life In A Day From: lifeinaday | Posted: September 08, 2010 | 10,053 views on 15:48pm 10/09/2010 Jerusalem time
Original video description provided below:
Joe Walker, film editor for Life In A Day, talks about how he and his team of researchers in London, are going through the 5,000 hours of footage submitted for Life In A Day. We're about halfway through watching everything, and at the end of our process, we'll have about 100-200 hours of footage, from which we'll create the film.
Remember, hold onto your original footage. We're starting to contact people!
This film features timelapse photography by Patrick Timmons Ward.
Note by Alex Kudinov-Sheffer of
Please note: has no affiliation with Life in a Day project by YouTube, Ridley Scott and Kevin MacDonald. To learn how you can make your Life in a Day footage a complete documentary at lifeinaday.tvplease follow this link. Also, please review easy Google-documents-based sharing form that asks for just public information, such as your youtube username and film URL (web) address.
Youtube user: RICPind | web site Age: ?, Canadian Canada, Hamilton, Burlington Film language: English Film URL at Youtube
In a small backyard, connected in the distance to many others, a woman walks through her lush garden. On this particular morning, in a suburban neighbourhood, the overcast sky predicts rain. Capturing uneventful scenes such as these, the film contemplates the significance of these simple, everyday moments. With an aim to embrace whatever circumstances the day presented, while going about doing necessary tasks and errands, the camera enters one person’s world and reveals something of what it means to be. Listening in and watching clients at a hair salon, the camera follows a woman through the back door, downstairs to an alleyway and a glimpse into a barbershop. A visit with two elderly sisters in a nursing home reveals a space full of memories and physical limitations.
The circumstances of this day, in this particular place, involved a lot of rain. The film focuses on visual and aural images of rain pouring down on cars, puddles, parking lots, on gardens and lawns. The ominous clouds in the distance don’t stop a group of children from enjoying the downpour while playing in a wading pool. The commotion of the rain has people rushing into a grocery store. The calm when it subsides shows order restored. After the rain, rabbits scurry across a lawn, birds sing and more weeding needs to be done. The same yard starts to darken, doors slam shut as the day nears an end. Somewhere else a new day is about to begin or is mid-way through, but on this street, a full moon has risen in the sky as cars drive past silent houses.
Major feelings: serenity, contemplative Ruth Pindilli of Hamilton, Burlington Submitted: 9/2/2010 5:02:13 Jerusalem time (submission #53)
Youtube user: MulkRaj101 Age: 38, British England, Trowbridge, Bristol Film language: English Film URL at Youtube
I made this film to reflect elements of my personality, my love for films and to acknowledge all families before my Wedding on the 28th August 2010. I did eventually run out of time and didn't get chance to complete my vision, which would have been dramatisation of meeting my spirit guide Freddie, who does at least get a mention. Yes, I admit I broke some of the rules, but I had so much fun making this film, I couldn't break the ride. I hope you like it.
Major feelings: Love, Happiness Mulk Raj of Trowbridge, Bristol Submitted: 8/31/2010 18:42:00 Jerusalem time (submission #52, this is single-video film by the author)
Life in a Day - Hong Kong, Sai Kung By Chanjinhai1
Youtube user: chanjinhai1 | Facebook Age: 23, British Chinese Hong Kong, Sai Kung Film language: English, Cantonese Film URL at Youtube
People think of Hong Kong as a big city with tall buildings, big crowds, loads of traffic etc. However, the area where I live has none of these. In the seaside town of Sai Kung I find it much more relaxing than living in city centre.
Major feelings: Relaxing Vincent Chan of Hong Kong Submitted: 8/31/2010 15:13:24 Jerusalem time (submission #51, this is single-video film by the author)
Youtube user: volxfilm | Web site Age: 33, Thuringian Germany Deutschland, Berlin Highway Neubrunn Film language: German Film URL at Youtube
How does a completely normal day look? is there normality? which pictures do I see, which sounds catches I? is it does not move the time to want to catch the lifetime to edit lived up lives grants thereafter again to build? one Saturday, too visits much with befriends, the day begins, runs by the large city, appears in one exibition, lands in a garden on the country, wind, coffee and is the sky sometime night black…
Major feelings: Simply everyday life, Relaxing Volxfilm Submitted: 8/31/2010 13:29:13 Jerusalem time (submission #50, this is single-video film by the author)
youtube-users' generated adds value to a present official project Life in a Day Gallery interface and the way the data are presented
Hello and have a great day! I just noted today (about 15:00pm Jerusalem time, September 2, 2010) that official Life in a Day Channel at youtube launched Gallery of Life in a Day videos (where I left a comment, a kind of a shorter version of this post).
Well, this is an interesting video gallery presentation, as no one knew before how it will be organized.
Clicking on an emotion tag opens a series of related videos, playing simalteneously (i found it not so convenient, yet no much boring)
One can also click on a particular video image thumbnail to have a given video opened under the same screen of Life in a Day channel home
At first look there is no way to switch to a regular youtube video view, where comments or like-or-dislike can be added. However, when a video is over, one can use the coding to copy it to a new browser tab/window to have the same video re-opened.
I found little flexibility of smart video search and grouping. While exploring Life in a Day gallery, I had a feeling the gallery is designed to be just viewed by either one of the emotion tag or a geographical tag or as a result of random selection of videos on the Globe. While this is fun, it makes little space for a serious presentation of one's thoughful film.
I did not have a chance to note that the issue of multivideo submissions is addressed in the Gallery, so, they could be played one-by-one as a complete film, as we do at .
youtube-users' generated adds value to a present official project Life in a Day Gallery interface, so, check it out and justify yourself. Should you wish to share your video or several videos presented as a playlist, please visit sharing web form at
There are presently 40 Life in a Day films by ordinary youtubers, i welcome you to join us! Note: Gallery by youtube is not complete either: the Gallery home states (left bottom corner):
"More videos each day: Kevin and his team are adding more videos to the Life in a Day gallery as they are reviewed. Check back soon for more footage"
I would like to add: Don't wait for tomorrow, share your video at today: it won't take more then 5-10 minutes of your valuavle time. is well indexed by search engines and warrants more specific interested-in-your-agenda viewers of your film overtime.
Alex Kudinov-Sheffer, MD, PhD, DrSci
I work on a week-long show doing sound and production, that helps people transform their lives. While this process is very powerful and inspiring, what the Fijian people offer as a culture, simply through who they are will leave you in awe. Sometimes being in such a rush, we forget what's really important in life are the simple things. Being with friends and family, caring for one another, sharing, laughing and most of all. Love. Love is the most important thing in life.
People have come from all over the world to be here, for what the week holds in store for them. This is my behind the scenes of the very first day of that week.
Major feelings: Love, Laughter, Friendship, Growth, Travel Sam Hawleywood, Sometimes of Savusavu, Fiji Submitted: 8/31/2010 9:08:24 Jerusalem time (submission #49, this is playlist-based film by the author)
Youtube user: Anvg83 | Twitter Age: 27, Filipino Philippines, Quezon City Film language: English, Filipino (although most of the clips only contain natural sound) Film URL at Youtube
For many people, ""life in a day"" is hectic and fast-paced -- like there aren't enough hours in a day to finish all the things that need to be done.
Enter the caravan -- an old fashioned, beast-driven, travelling merchandise. It's midday and the coach has set his cow free to graze by the roadside. They've called it a day as modern transportation whiz past them on one of Metro Manila's busiest thoroughfares.
This playlist features a series of videos taken on July 24, 2010 in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. These raw clips were submitted to ""Life in a Day"", a historic global experiment to be produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin Macdonald.
Major feelings: Curious Agatha Submitted: 8/28/2010 18:56:05 Jerusalem time (submission #48) Submitted: 8/28/2010 18:55:12 Jerusalem time (submission #47, identical to #48, so sibmission #48 was used for this entry)
Caring: a Benefit for Liz Caron - A Day in Life By Jducharme
Youtube user: Jducharme Age: 52, American United States of America, USA, Westfield MA Film language: English Film URL at Youtube
Liz Caron, the secretary for Westfield's Second Congregational Church, was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer. In order to help her pay her medical bills, the church organized a fundraiser that took place on July 24, 2010. This is a document of that day, of all the people who came together to help a friend.
Major feelings: Love, Fear, Happiness, Sadness, Joy Jay Ducharme of USA Submitted: 8/28/2010 3:34:52 Jerusalem time (submission #46)
Youtube user: Mappyman | web site Age: 29, America United States of America, Atlanta, Georgia Film language: English Film URL at Youtube | Link 2
This was a very exciting night! To those who do not know, Atlanta is known for its nightlife and luckily I began filming June 24th right around midnight. Two girls and one guy friend of mine went out to a Rooftop Superhero Party on the 12th floor of the Glenn Hotel downtown. I had been excited for this all week and knew some of my friends would be wearing very well made costumes. This is the geek in me and although not a large comic book fan, its fascinating to see a gathering this large of people with the same interests in not only comic books but also dressing up as the characters. We did not stay long as the party was crowded with not only the Superheros in costumes but the regular “douchebag” crowd as well. We went off the a sports bar close by and had some very funny conversations. My friend Kate and I had gotten upset at each other years ago over a friend and this was the first time in nearly five years we got to hang out again. We had a great time that night and reminisced about a lot of things.
The next day my friend would be arriving from Jacksonville, Florida. We see each other once a year and usually do things like play videogames or watch movies, which was about all that happened on Sunday. Most of the filming was done in the morning. We had hoped to get a large breakfast at El Norteno but it was too early and we settled for a small plate of chorizos. I was lucky enough to ask the three questions to a lady who spoke only Spanish and had a translator working there, it definitely made for some interesting footage! Later that night was another big event. The local art theater was playing “Best Worst Movie” and not only was it an honor to have a documentary like this played in our city but also the main star of the movie come in person and introduce it to us, signing autographs and doing a meet and greet before the show. I had seen the movie (Troll 2) being documented a lot of times growing up and to see him in person that day was very cool.
Major feelings: Laughter, Sarcasm, Excitement Scott of Atlanta, Georgia Submitted: 8/28/2010 0:04:11 Jerusalem time (submission #44, this is playlist-based film by the author)
Parca, su rostro desdibujado entre la desesperanza, el miedo, la incertidumbre y lo predecible de cada despertar. La sumisión involuntaria al sistema, el olvido espiritual de esta sociedad, el dejo del aparato de poder y el grito desgarrado de un esclavo más del sistema.
Major feelings: Social demand, Loneliness, Urban, Homeless Vicente Galicia Arista of México/Ciudad de México Submitted: 8/27/2010 22:40:24 Jerusalem time (submission #43) Submitted: 8/28/2010 01:46:40 Jerusalem time (submission #45)
If you have the time please check out my entry for the Life in a Day project, a historic global experiment to create a user-generated feature film shot in a single day. I was in Islamabad at the time and took it upon myself to get the perspectives of the everyman in Islamabad, those people who wouldn't normally have access to the internet or a camcorder and find out what they fear, love, laugh at and keep in their pockets.
Starring Osama Bin Laden Shah Rukh Khan
Featuring Umar Gul Salman Butt Benazir Bhutto Ramiz Raja Gulshan Grover
and the policemen, bodybuilders, ladyboys and people of Pakistan.
Soundtrack Vampire Weekend -- Cousins Imran Khan -- Amplifier Billu Barber -- Love mera hit hit Punjabi MC -- Mundian tu bach ke rahe Psycho theme
The videos I have submitted just simply show a normal day for me. Since we were renovating the house I didn't really go out much. At the beginning you see me after waking up and after working out. Then the video ends with me brushing my teeth and sleeping. It was a pretty average day.
Major feelings: Relaxing, Happiness Nikki of USA Submitted: 8/25/2010 20:47:26 Jerusalem time (submission #39)
Youtube user: KHGOBLOG | Twitter Age: secret, French France, French Alps, mountains Film language: English, French Film URL at Youtube
Rushes are NON EDITED, some English and French but a lot of nature sounds and ambiances. I shot in the French Alps, regional park of Mercantour, as I was attending an 'home-made' camp dedicated to digital experimentations, thinking and sharing with geeks: ""... more than 1,800 meters above sea level by the beautiful village of Peone, the international meetings Estive Numérique aka Digital Peak, gathers artists, researchers, teachers, activists, hackers (= hackers, not to be confused with thieves or fraudster), and all public in a camp exchange and experimentation. Presentations and workshops focus solely on freely licensed hardware, software and documentation. General Topics: Autonomy & Environment, Heritage and Digital society, Digital Democracy"".
I am an OBSERVER and a PARTICIPANT, not only a filmmaker.
Work in Progress (editing...)
Major feelings: Belonging to a community, Excitement KH of Vincennes, France Submitted: 8/22/2010 13:36:22 Jerusalem time (submission #37)
When I woke up on July 24th 2010, I decided to focus the day on my transition to college. I will be a freshman at Columbia College this fall, and since my family had travelled to Denver, Colorado for school clothes, I had decided that the nature of the video would be about my transition to college. It seemed deep and thoughtful, but as the day progressed, I realized that the shopping trip with my family had turned into something else all on it's own. The product of the video shows a family bonding, maybe through the extremely awkward moments, to the observations, or the generally affection towards one another. These moments that were captured on that day came from a real family experience, one that cannot be seen twice. Life In A Day for me, was about my family.
قررت عندما استيقظت في 24 يوليو 2010 ، إلى التركيز اليوم على الانتقال الى بلدي الكلية. وسوف أكون طالبة في كلية كولومبيا في خريف هذا العام ، ومنذ كان قد سافر عائلتي الى دنفر ، كولورادو لملابس المدرسة ، وقررت أن طبيعة شريط الفيديو سيكون حول انتقال بلدي إلى الكلية. وبدا وعميق ومدروس ، ولكن مع تقدم النهار ، وأنا أدرك أن تحولت رحلة تسوق مع عائلتي في كل شيء آخر على نفسه. المنتج من شريط الفيديو يظهر الترابط الأسري ، وربما من خلال لحظات محرجة للغاية ، على الملاحظات ، أو عاطفة عموما تجاه بعضهم البعض. وجاءت هذه اللحظات التي تم القبض في ذلك اليوم من تجربة عائلة حقيقية ، واحد لا يمكن أن ينظر إليه مرتين. حياة في يوم واحد بالنسبة لي ، وكان على وشك عائلتي. 當我醒來,就2010年7月24日,我決定集中一天對我過渡到大學。我將在哥倫比亞大學一年級今年秋季,因為我的家人已經前往丹佛,科羅拉多州上學穿的衣服,我已決定,性質,視頻過渡將是我的大學。看來深周到,但一天的進展,我意識到,我的家庭購物之旅變成了別的東西都在它自己的。該產品的視頻顯示了親情,也許通過極為尷尬的時刻,意見,或對彼此的感情一般。這些被抓獲的時刻,當天來自一個真正的家庭經驗,也無法看到兩次。生活中的一個節對我來說,是對我的家人。 Toen ik wakker werd op 24 juli 2010, besloot ik om de dag te concentreren op mijn overgang naar de universiteit. Ik zal een eerstejaars aan het Columbia College worden dit najaar, en aangezien mijn familie had een reis naar Denver, Colorado kleren voor school, had ik besloten dat de aard van het video zou worden over mijn overstap naar de universiteit. Het leek diep en attent, maar naarmate de dag vorderde, realiseerde ik me dat het winkelen met mijn familie was veranderd in iets anders allemaal weer op z'n eigen. Het product van de video toont een gezin binding, misschien door de extreem lastige momenten, bij de opmerkingen, of de algemeen affectie naar elkaar. Deze momenten die gevangen zijn op die dag kwam uit een echte familie-ervaring, een die niet twee keer kan worden gezien. Life In A Day voor mij, was over mijn familie. Lorsque je me suis réveillé le 24 Juillet 2010, j'ai décidé de concentrer le jour de mon passage au collège. Je serai un freshman à l'Université de Columbia, cet automne, et depuis ma famille s'était rendu à Denver, au Colorado, pour les vêtements de l'école, j'avais décidé que la nature de la vidéo serait au sujet de mon passage au collège. Il semblait profonde et réfléchie, mais comme la journée avançait, je me suis aperçu que le shopping avec ma famille s'était transformé en quelque chose d'autre tout sur son propre. Le produit de la vidéo montre un collage de la famille, peut-être par moments très difficiles, les observations, ou de l'affection généralement un vers l'autre. Ces moments qui ont été capturés ce jour-là vient d'une expérience vraie famille, celle qui ne peut pas être vu deux fois. Life In A Day pour moi, était de ma famille. 私は7月2010年24目が覚めた、私は一日大学に私の移行に焦点を当てることにした。私はコロンビアカレッジで1年生はこの秋、されると私の家族は、コロラド州デンバーには、学校服の旅以来、私はビデオの自然が大学に私の移行についてすることに決めた。それは深い思いやりが、一日が進んでいた、私は私の家族と一緒に買い物旅行は何か他のすべてのその上になっていた実現した独自のです。ビデオの製品は非常に気まずい瞬間かもしれないから、観察、または1つの別の方一般的に愛情、家族の結合を示しています。その日に捕獲されたこれらの瞬間は本当の家族の経験、2回見ることができないからだ。人生は私の日で、私の家族についてでした。 Cuando me desperté el 24 de julio de 2010, decidí enfocar el día en que mi transición a la universidad. Voy a ser un estudiante de primer año en el Columbia College en el otoño, y puesto que mi familia había viajado a Denver, Colorado para la ropa de la escuela, yo había decidido que la naturaleza del video sería de alrededor de mi transición a la universidad. Parecía profundo y reflexivo, pero a medida que avanzaba el día, me di cuenta de que el viaje de compras con mi familia se había convertido en algo más todo en él es poseer. El producto del video muestra a una vinculación de la familia, tal vez a través de los momentos extremadamente difíciles, a las observaciones, o el afecto en general, todos a una. Estos momentos que fueron capturados en ese día venía de una experiencia de la familia real, que no puede ser visto en dos ocasiones. Life In A Day para mí, era sobre mi familia.
Major feelings: Happiness, Excitement, Funny Michael Masterson Submitted: 8/19/2010 10:17:44 Jerusalem time (submission #35)
"Life in a Day" Video Submission of Two Ballroom Dancers from a small lakeside city in Ontario, Canada on Saturday, July 24th, 2010.
Part 1 of 5. The day begins at 8:21 a.m. with a daily ritual of opening up blinds and looking at the bird feeders in the backyard. The sun is shining this morning. The mood, however, is more ""reflective"" as Robert Tang scans a series of dance photographs taken at different moments in time.
Part 2 of 5. The time now is 9:38 a.m. The morning ritual continues with getting out the laptop, waiting for it to warm up, and logging into a social networking website. It's one week after an event that Robert & Beverley had attended, and Robert looks back at the video that has been taken of his and his wife's Ballroom Dancing at the waterfront. That day, there were storms in the afternoon, but miraculously, the weather cleared in the evening. Today, one of their friends are taking them out for dinner at a restaurant close to their home. Robert and Beverley prepare for their visit with the typical household rituals of vacuuming the house, setting up snacks, and cleaning the toilet. The weather outside is looking ""iffy"" as rain clouds start appearing. An unusual number of birds come and go. The doorbell rings...
Part 3 of 5. The time is 3:32 p.m. Robert & Beverley's dance friends have arrived. Outside, gold finches and a sparrow feed on the bird feeder. It is drizzling with rain, so they are unable to sit outside as Robert & Beverley had hoped. The original plan was that after snacks, they would take Robert & Beverley out for dinner at a restaurant in nearby Jordan, Ontario. Their friends, however, announce a ""surprise"" for them. They then head off to the restaurant, engaged in conversation. The clouds look ominous but the rain has temporarily stopped.
Part 4 of 5. After dinner, the friends wait in the lobby area of the restaurant as it is raining outside. After a few minutes, however, the rain clears just enough that they can go into the car. The friends continue on their journey, engaged in more conversation. They talk about how the Niagara area had experienced drought a number of years ago. They take an unexpected detour, but find their way again. The clouds initially looked very omininous but clears again. When they arrive at Niagara Falls, the video camera runs out of battery power. But they have a digital camera and were able to capture the almost full Moon that appears in the sky, as well as a few other ""surprises"".
Part 5 of 5. Upon returning home, Robert picks up his mother's voice mail and returns her call. They engage in deep conversation. The moon is shining brightly outside.
As midnight approaches, Robert and Beverley answer the questions posed by Kevin Macdonald:
""What do you love?"" [Each other. And Dancing - it feels like ""Flying"". I guess that explains our pre-occupation with watching birds. On filming day, there was an unexpected number of birds dropping by - Cardinals, Blue Jays along with Golden Finches, Sparrows, and Crows.]
""What do you fear most in your life today?"" [That the people you care about - friends and especially family - live for a long time and do not suffer.]
""What makes you laugh?"" [Some of Life's unexpected twists and turns. Like our video camera running out of battery power during this filming!]
""What is in your pocket?"" [See video.]
And so ends our ""life in a day"" on Saturday, July 24th, 2010. Did anyone else experience the beauty of Moon in the evening in your part of the world?
Major feelings: Love, Happiness, Laughter, Emotional Robert of Burlington Submitted: 8/19/2010 7:28:20 Jerusalem time (submission #34)
6 horas en la vida de Tony Cototo By AnthonyVonCototoIII
Youtube user: AnthonyVonCototoIII Age: 40, Argentino Argentina, Buenos Aures Film language: Spanish (a few words) Film URL at Youtube
Estas son las seis horas más esperadas por Tony Cototo cada semana. Las seis horas que más disfruta. Solo. En compañía de sus gatos, preparando su pequeño teatro para la función de la noche.
Major feelings: Loneliness Anthony Von Cototo Submitted: 8/19/2010 2:36:28 Jerusalem time (Entry #33)
Hey I am 19 years old, live in Richmond, Melbourne, Australia. I love life & am trying to do as many things possible before I die. I normally dont go on YouTube and have only recently added videos. All my videos were made on july 24th 2010 for day in a life, I thought why not enter may as well was fun. what you see is what you get, I am just your average 19 year old boy, or am I?
The video is of me showing you what its like for me going to work everyday I work in South Yarra which is only 1 suburb over from my house in Richmond, as you will see I don't rely on cars to get where I want to go it takes me only a few short minutes to get to South Yarra on the train, trains leave to go to South Yarra at least every 5 minutes. You might find this interesting as it shows of some of Melbourne's graffiti & art work as well of a bit of chapel street
Major feelings: Love, Joy, Peaceful Jimmy Ladgrove of Richmond, Melbourne, Australia Submitted: 8/18/2010 17:26:50 Jerusalem time
Emotions, thoughts, notions. Present and Future. Carpe Diem. Hungarian and Belgian people. Rubik's Cube. Personal message to Kevin MacDonald and Ridley Scott. The rest of the story can be checked by watching the footage itself. :)
Major feelings: Gratefulness Ákos Csernák Submitted: 8/17/2010 1:23:33 Jerusalem time
Youtube user: curtismcmullan Age: 19, British Filmed: United Kingdom, London Film language: English Film URL at Youtube
This is my edited version of my Life In A Day video for general public viewing. The original submitted footage to the Life In A Day channel is unedited containing no music or overlay as required.
So my name is Curtis and this video really depicts my Life In A Day, I go to bed late, wake up late, get ready then take the train to wherever I need to go. I spend the day appreciating London, the city I love. Enjoying street performers, scenery, cultural and historical landmarks, and the company of friends.
This video also ventures back into my past as I visit the area where I grew up as a kid, which eventually leads to me being cheesy and pouring my heart out in a shopping centre car park. There I answer the question what do I love the most, and thereafter I show you what's in my pockets.
So please enjoy my day! I know I did!
Major feelings: Love Curtis McMullan Submitted: 8/16/2010 3:02:02 Jerusalem time
Life in a Day - The Four Questions By NavajoJoeFilms
Youtube user: NavajoJoeFilms | Facebook Age: 20, Native American Filmed: United States of America, Fort McDowell, AZ Film language: English Film URL at Youtube
During the global Life in a Day event, I decided to take the four questions that the director, Ridley Scott, wanted us to answer, and ask all my friends and family the questions instead. These are their responses!
Major feelings: Honesty Harrison J. Bahe Submitted: 8/15/2010 11:50:55 Jerusalem time
The video is pretty much a depiction of one day in my life. Not a typical day as it involves a visit to the parents and a birthday party. "Life in a Day" director Kevin MacDonald wanted us to answer a few questions, which I tried to incorporate into the presentation of my day. What I love and what I fear were answered when I visited my parents where I explained my love of family and the fear of losing them. What made me happy was seeing other people happy, which I found in a children's birthday party.
Major feelings: Happiness, Concern, Contemplative Gerry Alanguilan of San Pablo City Submitted: 8/14/2010 4:33:10 Jerusalem time
Life In A Day... of Me: Healing the World! By Mpowerall
Youtube user: mpowerall | Web site Age: 48, American Filmed: United States of America, USA, Teaneck, NJ & Dingman's Ferry, PA Film language: English Film URL at Youtube
This is my 3 PART film submission for the "LIFE IN A DAY FILM PROJECT"!
Pt. 1: My “day” starts -life as usual- after midnight - a continuation of my prior day! In my “usual” comedic fashion, I sing (and dance) to the “LIFE IN A DAY…OF ME” song I wrote to “introduce” “me” and “my film”! After telling everyone “who “me” is”, I continue working on a variety of my Motivational MPower Productions Projects – songs, videos, educational curricula, film treatments, books etc., ALL of which are designed to Empower our Youth, help them step into their greatness, live their “championship dreams” & fulfill their divine destiny! My ultimate passion and goal is to help promote World Love, Peace & Unity and make the World a better place for ALL people!
Pt. 2: I’m in Dingman’s Ferry, PA, with beautiful Nature as my “backdrop” and answer two of Kevin’s Questions: Q.1 -“WHAT DO I LOVE” – which in summary is helping people and seeing ALL people happy & “living” their dreams. Q.2-“WHAT’S IN MY POCKET(BOOK)” – most important are tools to help me & keep me “ready” for any opportunity to “inspire”, “network” & “share” my “gifts” & work, like my “flash drive” with my motivational projects, voice recorder to capture any “inspirations” etc., and my two lists: 1) LEGENDARY HUMANITARIANS who keep me inspired and 2) MY “WISH” LIST OF PEOPLE I “AM” GOING TO WORK WITH (I’m a Motivational Speaker so present tense is always spoken as it “brings” desires to “current” reality) who “are” helping me move my Mission forward to affect World Love, Peace & Unity!
Pt.3: I wake up “continuing” my work on my Motivational Projects! Then I give the World a “glimpse” of my neighborhood on what is a “beautiful hot sunny day” in a New Jersey Suburb of the New York City Area!!! Next, I arrive with friends in Dingman’s Ferry, PA to attend a Summer Barbecue that other friends are hosting. I give a breathtaking view of the Lake outside this beautiful home and then “dip” into the lovely “forest” area to answer Kevin’s remaining two Questions: Q.3) WHAT MAKES ME LAUGH which includes “people laughing and happy” and Funny Humanitarian people like Ellen Degeneres & Will Smith, and Q.4) WHAT DO I FEAR THE MOST which is mainly “not being in time with my Humanitarian Mission” hence potentially missing an opportunity to help someone who is suffering or in need.
NOTE: My “LIFE IN A DAY” Submission is a Great Story & Film because MY LIFE MISSION & DAILY PRACTICE can be summarized by 2 Gandhi quotes: “Be the change you want to see in the world” AND “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history”. I hope my Film is seen by Everyone & encourages ALL to join me & become “a determined spirit” for Positive World Change!!! TOGETHER WE CAN HELP MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE FOR ALL PEOPLE!!!
Major feelings: Happiness, Optimism, Positivity, Inspirational, Motivational, Silly, Animated, Joyful, Thoughtful, Peaceful Mpowerall of Teaneck, NJ Submitted: 8/13/2010 21:38:51 Jerusalem time
While researching appearence on Google, I noticed sad example (*) illustrating how youtube partners (i.e. those who make money by displaying Google AdSense ads on their videos and youtube pages), are gambling with video titles, tags and video description. This means that search engines deliver faked results and therefore push away Life in a Day videos of ordinary youtubers out of reach by a loyal web surfer. Watch my three-minute-long video for details, and follow this link for an example.
Most sad that this youtube channel poses itself as "Occupation:Full-time YouTube Partner 24/7". One may wonder: Are all youtube partners behaving alike?
------------- (*) youtube video "Lifeinaday Life in A Day Reality TV Sundance 2011 Experiment Playboy Mansion"
Youtube user: forumat | Facebook | Twitter Age: 32, Bulgarian Bulgaria България Болгария, Sofia София Film language: Bulgarian, Болгарский Film URL at Youtube
Hello, my name is Vigo and I'm an addict.Isn't that the waythat the Mutual Aid session starts? I'm just as much anonymous as you are.Also that dependent.Sorry, but that is not one of thosegrievous stories about some drug addict.I won't touch you with my tragic destiny.Nor will I give my bank accountthat you can fill with tears in your eyes.No, my vice is not a vice.My dependence is the same as yours.Just like Blanche DuBois says:Whoever you are, I have always dependedon the kindness of strangers.It doesn't matter if I know you or I don't.Sometimes it is not even necessaryfor you to cross my way.To be my neighbor, my friend, my lover…or simply an acquaintant.
We all depend on the slightest things.On the personwho sells you coffee in the bistro.On the supplier who delivers it to him.The electricity in the coffeemaker.Water, trade license…The peoplewho are responsible for all of that -All of them dependent on the moodof mother-in-law`s or the faithful wife…The cry of the children,asking permission to go on excursion.The land lord scrounging his leaseor funds for consecutive repair.The payment of taxes.The waiting in lines.The driverwho's stopped at the green light.Or simply the sound of the alarm,smugingly send us to work.Where there is a boss and a secretary.With another boss above,but with an assistant.Who also have children,or maybe he is lonely…And all you want is a cup of coffeein the nice summer afternoonin the drowsy park nearby.We are all dependent.Like children.They just seem more dependent than us.They are simply smaller.They look fragile.Vulnerable.Just like the old people are,or delicate women...
Somehow you always get amazed,when a big man collapses.And if it's someone close,you get scared.As if the securityin your entire world is vanished.Then you seek for a new support.A new dependence.Nothing of this is a vice.It's in your human nature,same as you feel power of thirst,hunger…The same way you cry or laugh.Breathe…The need to touch or be touched.To be praised.To be strong.Independent man or a woman…Proud of that.Of the achieved… Financially free.Sexually free.Armed.Dependent on their opponentor the approving eyes of the crowd.Just like governments,states…Which understand sooner or later, that there is always more powerful,more able… Or just in a better position.While watching the sunsetwe feel a bit of sadness.And loneliness.Nostalgia…Always looking at the dark side of life.As if a doom is hanging above us.Since the creation of the world -it has always been cursedby an epic catastrophe.A catastrophe which will bring the end.
All the humankind,all its culture and way of life,every achievement or discovery -cradled with fear.Fear that we lose.That something is leaving…And cannot be brought back.Accumulations records, filed with relentless accuracyof the permanent time that we determine.I have the same fears.I'm dependent!Hell - the biggest figuresin human history had those too.But they have known, that after the sunsetthe world does not end up, it sails to its new beginning.
Major feelings: Love, Hope, Fear, Dream, Vigo Submitted: 8/13/2010 4:00:22 Jerusalem time
This is my film submission for the upcoming film "Life In A Day" filmed on July 24, 2010. This particular day was one day after two of my friends were married to each other at Mt Washington, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Canada. Three of my friends and I climbed to the top of Mt Washington and then took the lift down. On our adventure we encountered some mountain bikers, some birds that would eat out of our hands, some snow, we took a few smoke breaks, we encountered some burnt spots. I almost gave up at one point but I pushed on and we made it to the top of the mountain where there was a breath taking 360 degree mountain view of one of the most spectacular places on earth. We found an inukshuk sanctuary and we even spotted a U.F.O. that we watched until we got bored (we see a lot of U.F.O's over Vancouver Island although this was unlike any we have seen) And this is just a small sample of the wonders we beheld. Finally we took the lift down and just enjoyed the spectacular view. A perfect day!. So relax, roll one up and come for a hike with us to the top of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada and see what "Life In A Day" looks like for some of us Canadians. Thanks for watching.
Note: the film makers wanted raw footage so that is what this is. I originally filmed in HD but I can't seem to export the footage in full HD quality. I think I have some great shots here and with a little editing, some music and maybe some good quotes I feel that this would make a compelling contribution to the film ""Life In A Day""
Major feelings: Wonder Jared Cook Submitted: 8/12/2010 22:16:38 Jerusalem time
Youtube user: MarkovkaFun Age: 23, Russian Русская Russia Khabarovsk city - Российская Федерация, Россия, Хабаровск Film language: Russian Русский Film URL at Youtube
I do not know now, perhaps I will say more later ... all I wanted to express in words, I expressed in my words, please watch it! ♥
Major feelings: Courage, Caring, Fun, Friendship, Joy, Madness, The Fall in childhood MarkovkaFun of Khabarovsk Submitted: 8/12/2010 16:43:23 Jerusalem time
This is the intro for 'A Saturday life of experiences'. On my 24th of July I filmed the sunrise and sunset plus lots of interesting events in between. Items including but not limited to, breakfast with my wife, taking my wife to catch a train to work, a hair cut, buying flowers, playing with the boys and the dog, a birthday party. Plus the moon after the sun set.
Major feelings: Family, Daily life, Work, Play Richard T Whybrow of Moonee Ponds Submitted: 8/10/2010 18:32:38 Jerusalem time
We started filming shortly after midnight on July 24th 2010. Our goal was simply to be ourselves and to refrain from editing. The film began with some beers and an acoustic guitar jam session in celebration of my 23rd birthday.
The next day, my parents visited and treated me to a special birthday lunch. I was slightly embarrassed when the entire restaurant sang happy birthday. After lunch, we began building camera mounts and planning angles for the climax of our film.
Armed with high definition cameras and bicycles, we hit the streets of downtown Ottawa to deliver our unique point of view to you. From Rideau Street to Parliament, to Major's Hill Park and Gatineau. We learned that you don't necessarily need an engine to get around the city.
We captured this beautiful and historic area like never before. Unique and creative camera angles combined with stunning wide angle HD quality will make you feel like your right there with us.
Thank you for the opportunity to partake in this amazing film.We learned the true value of being yourself and that sometimes, editing isn't necessary."
Major feelings: Excitement, Silliness, Fun, Humour, Economy Eric Traclet Submitted: 8/11/2010 19:56:18 Jerusalem time
I think this project was great, I mean this date is just one day where anyone could have filmed but just on this one day. It could of been someones wedding day or someones birthday, someone leaving home to go to college, or just a normal day. Its amazing to see how every person has a different everyday then anyone else. none is alike and thats what makes this film so unique. showing everyone in one BIG film that there are soo many things going around the world and a percise moment. its hard to wrap your brain around it.
Major feelings: Goofing around Sara Submitted: 8/11/2010 5:32:55 Jerusalem time
Projecting Ridley Scott words I come to realise that he should take his own 24/7 personal videos (please watch the video below for a quote by Mr.Scott):
As Project Terms did not allow you to submit your own videos, I invite you to share them at . This is youtube users' community generated nonprofit Film Festival, and we are open for your submissions, too. There is no deadline. I realise you are so busy, and there is a chance you did not upload your video(s) by July 31, 2010. An exception for you is in place in case you did not have a chance to upload your 24/7 videos yet: please upload your videos to youtube any time, and then submit it to, using the provided form. Filming day of 24/7/2010 remains solid, however.
Walking Las Vegas Through the Eyes of Young Kids By michellelaughing
Youtube user: michellelaughing Age: 16, Filipino-American United States, Las Vegas Film language: English and Tagalog Film URL at Youtube
I'm a typical Filipino-American teenager wishing to show you the type of love my family has.
This is footage of my family going on a road trip to Las Vegas on July 24, 2010... and I tried to capture the moments that made me laugh and smile. I believe family time should include traveling together and going sight-seeing together, to experience places and moments together, to have inside jokes with each other...
I used to hate going to Las Vegas because there was nothing to do for someone my age, but with my cousins, I guess nothing is boring. Spending a day, walking around some parts of Las Vegas with my younger cousins... it's just something so simple, but something meaningful.
And so with this, I hope that you may believe in family love...
Unfortunately I could not make this video as cinematic as I had once hoped it to be, but it's the meaning and not the looks that count, right?
Major feelings: Family, Fun, Laughter, Happiness Michelle Abiera Submitted: 8/10/2010 10:43:58 Jerusalem time
Youtube user: CrashnBurnVideo Age: 43, English/Irish United States of America, Tucson, AZ Film language: English Film URL at Youtube
Living in the town of Tucson Arizona is a far cry different than living in Iowa. Drive by shootings are the norm here on a daily basis. The scenery here is by far more epic than the hillsides of corn and grass found in the Midwest. Don't get me wrong, I love living here but at times I definitely think that I'd rather not be here when things that may kill me happen just a few hundred yards from my front door.
Major feelings: Happiness, Drive Franki Ghys of Tucson, AZ Submitted: 8/10/2010 6:35:05 Jerusalem time
Youtube user: skash416 Age: 20, American United States, Anderson Film language: English Film URL at Youtube
This is my Life in a Day submission. In this part I get some shots of me working. And I take a walk outside. And I also answer one of the questions. Life In A Day is a historic global experiment to create a user-generated feature film shot in a single day. On July 24, you had 24 hours to capture a glimpse of your life on camera. The most compelling and distinctive footage will be edited into a feature film, produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin Macdonald.
Major feelings: Happiness, Drive Shiloh Robertson of Anderson Submitted: 8/10/2010 1:12:02 Jerusalem time
Youtube user: Slyth66 Age: 17 United States of America | Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Film language: English Film URL at Youtube
This is a short film compiling all of my activities on July 24th, 2010. At the time of filming I was on a family vacation to the beach in our home state. This was our first family vacation of the year and on this Saturday we spent several hours sitting on the beach and playing in the water, and then later that evening we headed into town and ate at a popular restaurant and walked around the shops in the area. After returning to our hotel, we spent the last few minutes of our day walking the beach at night and enjoying nature and the beauty of the ocean lit by the moonlight.
Major feelings: Happiness, Entertainment, Family Submitter name: Clifton Submitted: 8/9/2010 18:54:39 Jerusalem time
Note: due to apparent technical difficulties at YouTube all Life in a Day videos by cbvidio can not be played as one playlist, this is why Part 2 was necessary
Youtube user: cbvidio Age: 28, Turkish Turkey Ankara | Language: Turkish Film URL at Youtube
24th of July was fun. I was excited for the project and curious of what the day would bring. I met a friend of mine in a park. This is the Part 2 playlist of my submitted videos for the project since embedded playlists can show up to 50 videos only.
In second part of my footage, one may watch: a traditional turkish meal called 'cig kofte', a woman exercising in a park women chatting in balcony beautiful dogs enjoying the park some turkish newspapers us chatting, laughing :)
...and more. Enjoy!
Major feelings: happiness, joy, peace Canberk Hacibaloglu of Ankara Submitted: 8/9/2010 17:53:06 Jerusalem time
Note: due to apparent technical difficulties at YouTube all Life in a Day videos by cbvidio can not be played as one playlist, this is why Part 2 was necessary
Youtube user: cbvidio Age: 28, Turkish Turkey Ankara | Language: Turkish Film URL at Youtube
24th of July was fun. I was excited for the project and curious of what the day would bring. I met a friend of mine in a park. Then we spent most of our time in parks, with dogs mostly. Segmenler park is definitely a great spot to be during sunset in Ankara. I shot until two batteries were out.
I used a sony hx5v camera in 1080p mp4 mode. This playlist includes most of my footage of that day in many seperate videos. I uploaded the original .mp4 files without any editing or joining together.
Greetings from Ankara! Hope you'll enjoy it! Peace!
Major feelings: happiness, joy, peace Canberk of Ankara Submitted: 8/8/2010 23:09:07 Jerusalem time
Youtube user: bagadefente | Web site Age: 26, brazilian Brazil, Brasil | Bairro Demétria, Botucatu - São Paulo | portuguese (BR) Film URL at Youtube
The children and the wind, playing. A short about the relationship between man & nature. "man and nature may be perpetually locked in conflict, but they are paradoxically one and the same."- Paul Schrader
as crianças e o vento, brincando. um curta sobre a relação homem/natureza. ""homem e natureza podem estar perpetuamente em conflito, mas paradoxalmente eles são um e os mesmos.""- Paul Schrader"
Major feelings: happiness, joy, play bagadefente Submitted: 8/8/2010 21:06:48 Jerusalem time
Youtube user: HelloMrSal Age: 20 United States of America, Las Vegas | English, American/Phillipino Film URL at Youtube
Close Friends have gathered together to share our love for Rubix cubing. We solve them in under 20 seconds, while we tease and poke fun at each other. It is, of course, in good sport as we observe each other progress in our timing and fine-tune our skills.
We sit in the kitchen of the 2 bedroom apartment as we solve each cube while we share our genuine and sentimental friendship.
Major feelings: Extreme happiness, Rubix cubers play Salvador Siao Submitted: 8/8/2010 0:45:27 Jerusalem time
Well Thank you Ridley Scott for allowing us all to video our 24th Of July 2010. I had no idea what I was going to shoot. but ended up being the most hectically sweeeeeeet day of my life.
I used the DAY'S NEWSPAPER through-out the video so it shows it was on SAT the 24th...
THIS VIDEO WILL KEEP YOU ENTERTAINED from the first shot to the last. !!!! WELL WORTH THE WATCH! TOP 20 for sure... SEE YOU AT SUNDANCE !!!!!!
Major feelings: Exciting, Facing Fears, Relaxing, Adrenalin, Love Robbo Da Yobbo, Byron Bay Submitted: 8/8/2010 0:45:14 Jerusalem time
Sad exampleis available to illustrate how youtube partner (partners are those who make money by displaying Google AdSense ads on their videos and youtube pages), is gambling with video titles, tags and video description, so search engines deliver faked results and therefore push away Life in a Day videos by ordinary Youtubers out of reach by a loyal web surfer. See this post for details.
Get wild with your creativity! As of August 14, 2010 in response on youtubers request mission expanded. You now can share here not only the film of raw footage that you uploaded to Youtube by 31 July 2010, but also new edited videos filmed on July 24. While both are required and will be linked to each other, we suggest you share your raw footage film now and have edited film shared whenever you have it.
We also welcome those youtubers, who had very special 24-25 July 2010 weekend (such as wedding, honeymoon or anything else of exceptional personal value), to include July 25 videos in their "Life in a Day" film as well.
Share your own Life in Day film at
Please remember that you 1. have to prepare a playlist of all youtube videos that you would like to include in your documentary film (in case there is more then one video), 2. write shooting script of 150-500 words and 3. submit the form available by pressing green buttom
The fact: noone else BUT you must take 5-10 min to make your Youtube-hosted Life in a Day documentary film easily available for everyone on the Internet now and in future. Publicise your film with us!
Life In A Day was a historic global experiment to create the world's largest user-generated feature film: a documentary, shot in a single day. Every YouTube user was invited, so, on July 24, he or she had 24 hours to capture a glimpse of his/her life on camera. The most compelling and distinctive footage will be screened and selected for editing into an experimental documentary film, executive produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin Macdonald.
This independent project by Alex Kudinov-Sheffer builds on the primary project data - original footage by YouTubers, and invites all to become a director and executive producer of his or her own documentary film. ...continue reading
Life is all about Love!
Publish your film and screenplay here!
Official Life in a Day videos
note: has no affiliation with youtube
Remember: Shooting text script is a must! followers
Your video will be discovered by your Scenario text!